Bucklebee Bags

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Back at it! And yay for that!

It’s been a crazy busy 6 weeks. We’ve had our first two shows since February 2020, I had a birthday (will you still need me, will you still feed me…yeah, that one!), had a visit with The Young Prince who’s now a thriving 20-month old, reorganized the stock room, sewed about a million projects—you get the picture.

!Bucklebee Bob encourages you to clean your machine with our Just Better Brushes, and to buy that fabric.

It feels so good to be back to some semblance of normal. We have one more show this fall, in Brookhaven PA, the weekend of October 15. November brings a guild event, and then it’s time to get as much holiday sewing done as I can.

Our first show in Utica was the perfect way to get back into the quilt show groove. We met our projections and caught our breath. We had three days at home and then packed up for Oaks. Again, attendance was down, but we met our sales goal and I was able to take the temperature of my customer base. They’re eager for new ideas and new products, and we were happy to provide!

Over the winter months, I’ll be working on a couple of new patterns and planning our schedule for 2022. Bucklebee is already booking shows for 2023, so there’s definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m glad we’re both vaxxed, still masking, and very comfortable with our choices. Keep your eye on our event schedule; it’ll be filling up soon. And if you’re a guild program chair or retailer, get in touch with us about speaking engagements, workshop options, and adding our products to your shop!

Happy fall! I’m off for a big honkin’ piece of pumpkin cake.